Come Worry With Me Book
In this broken world, we find hope in the worry we have, because we’re bleak, uncertain, and somehow still beautiful. These photos are all we have left, changing with every passing second, and they should make you worry—worry with everything you’ve ever desired, regretted, feared, and even hoped for. You can’t feel one without the other. Hope and worry—one feeds the other. For too long, we’ve only shown the happy photographs, pretending everything’s fine. Now, we need to capture the uneasy lives, tiredness and the things we’ve tried to ignore. To forget them would be to forget what’s left of us. So, hold on tight to each other, show up when it counts, because it’s the stubborn hope that can tear the crummy monsters down. The old record plays, its needle stretching out of tune, dust rising with every spin. We watch the sun sink on our broken horizon, the last light exposing everything we’ve been too blind to see. Our stubborn hope trumps lazy greed. Hope and worry—they’re tangled up now, and all you have to do is look around to understand that truth.
Will not ship until the following week after February 1st.